So I realized that I never really shared the pictures of me in Russia with anyone. But if you want to see the albums online, here are the links to three of the albums, and they should be pretty clearly explained. If you have any questions about anything let me know. Above: Me in front of St. Basils Cathedral in Moscow. The girls weaing boots and jeans with skirts because it was so COLD! And Kim, my teammate and roomie next year, and I with some Russian boys at a small church meeting.
Today was a great day with the Union Missions Team. They are a great bunch of people, and Its fun to get to hang out with new people and make new friends.
We woke up early this morning and made pancakes.. raspberry ones. YUM! So good. Then headed over to Grace Harbor for Old Testament Survey with Danny and then the service. I learned alot today. Kevin hits the nail right on the head and its applicable to anyone, and there were not any babies crying in the service today! Hooray! But thank God for families, so Im not really complaining too much.
Then we ate lunch at Snowden, the JWU dining hall, and it was GOOOOD food. And I have so much homework due this week, so I snuck off to work on that even though I did not really accomplish anything.
After meeting up and the KP to catch a bus, we headed over to Kevin and Melissa's for late night Bible Study, what we like to call "An After Dinner Mint." Haha it was great. Its so encouraging to be around the church body and feel such community.
I know that going to college can really isolate you from the outside world, the only people you come in contact with are other students, professors, and your bosses. But going to church really helps field that, because its gives you interaction with families of all levels, with babies, or little kids, or younger teens. I also gives you access to older adults that you can get some wisdom and help from. I remember it was great last year especially, looking at apartments. We were able to have an older guy from the church come and help us look at apartments, we were so inexperienced, and he was able to help us know what to expect. Or going over to bake banana bread with Melissa and talking to a older woman for advice and stuff about life. I value the community that I am apart of every day. Where else are you going to find people that truly value whats going on in your life and care about whats really going on with you, past the typical "Oh Im doing good" balderdash that you go through with peers or professors.
Haha, after the McKays house we all piled into a RIPTA bus over to Andy's house for a bonfire where I TOTALLY made spider dogs. YEah thats right. Camping at its finest. I wish we could have had marshmallow trees. Haha. So geat. Man I smell like smoke and Im yet again exhausted, but its been a great weekend.
TTYL folks.
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