For the summer, the new leadership team for Christian Student Fellowship, we are aiming to read the whole bible in 90 days. That will be exciting.

I am currently reading this book right now. "This is a comprehensive treatment of how God uses people as tools of change in the lives of others, people who themselves are in need of change." It is really interesting and offers a good breakdown of systematic theology, as well as practical ways to put all that stuff into action. I dig it.

This book debunks the idea that there are three kinds of people: unsaved, those who are saved but still walking in carnality, and those saved and walking in the spirit. Thats kind of bullcrap.. but alot of people believe it. But anywhoo. This is a short but sweet little book. I recommend it. Also very rich with correct theology.

"The Case for Christ records Lee Strobel's attempt to "determine if there's credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God." The book consists primarily of interviews between Strobel (a former legal editor at the Chicago Tribune) and biblical scholars such as Bruce Metzger. Each interview is based on a simple question, concerning historical evidence (for example, "Can the Biographies of Jesus Be Trusted?"), scientific evidence, ("Does Archaeology Confirm or Contradict Jesus' Biographies?"), and "psychiatric evidence" ("Was Jesus Crazy When He Claimed to Be the Son of God?"). Together, these interviews compose a case brief defending Jesus' divinity, and urging readers to reach a verdict of their own."
Ok so this is literally a movie about a tour guiding lady in Greece. Obviously Im going to want to see it. haha.
Jesus Camp is a film about a Pentecostal summer camp for children who spend their summers learning and practicing their "prophetic gifts" and being taught that they can "take back America for Christ." According to the distributor, it "doesn't come with any prepackaged point of view."
We will see.
Whats on your Summer List?
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the my life in ruins has the same girl from My Big Fat Greek Wedding and I saw a commercial and I was like Greece! Alissa! hoorah!
hahaha I know right! I was like dang sweet and good timing for that movie to come out! Im pumped.
reading anything good this summer?
i already know that you watched the whole collections of childrens movies that exists in the world
Well I'm going to read most of the new testament because I didn't for school (even though I was supposed to) and that book I got for Christmas Cure for the Common Life by Max Lucato but other than that no book plans. As for movies, I'll watch anything, lol
I am reading Mere Christianity finally, and plan on getting through all the C.S. Lewis collection. God Smuggler is another book I am going to get to this summer
I'm reading What's So Amazing About Grace and Crazy Love. Also, I'm watching the entire series of Arrested Development, because I'm a carnal Christian ;)
Mere Christianity is good. Who wrote God Smuggler?
Matt ...oooo Ive heard good things about Crazy Love. Let me know how it is! Lawlz Heathen. jk.
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