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Addiction Can be Ugly
Random Dream: So I had a dream last night that ws quite epic. My grandpa had told me and my sister that we needed to drive his old motorcycle down to Washington DC. Well, super I thought, sounds great. But for some reason we were leaving around 4pm, when it takes a while to get there, and we had to wait in line at this recreational park, but there were alot of elderly people in line before us. So Kailey sat side saddle while we drove to Minard St. And I was trying to text my friend Nathan who lives in DC, but my phone wasnt letting me text the right words. And I was getting angry because I didnt want to go all the way to DC is I couldnt hang out with nathan. So we are standin in the driveway at Minard St, when this lady pulls up, gets out of her car and hands me a basket. "While you were waiting in line at the recreational park, we picked your name and you wont a prize basket!" In it there was a candle that smelled like feta cheese and coloring books. Well whoop de do. But then me and kailey decided not to drive there because we didnt have a change of clothes. And I was angry that my phone was not working. End of dream.
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