Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I dont know what Im saying anymore.

JWU Caller: Can I be directed to the department of education?
Me: Well, we are a school.

Kailey: Hello?
Me: Johnson & Wales University, how can I direct your call?
Kailey: What?
Me: Oh, whattt.
Kailey: BHAHAHA, I cant talk right now, goodbye johnson and wales.


Im having a case of confused words, mixed with auto pilot, mixed with, Im tired of answering phone calls. I called my sister and then accidently asked her how to direct her call. And I cant speak. And sometimes when Im reading something online and taking a call, I say those words instead of the JWU phone prompt. I need to a. get more sleep? b. focus.

And I cant stand the sound of people chewing. It drives me crazy mad. Doesnt matter who or what or where. Im sure my family might recall times where I would be reading the paper at the kitchen tables some Sunday mornings, only to have to go sit in the other room when someone came in and started eating something. I dont know how to stop focusing on the sound. Its similar to my blatant HATE of feet. Everyone has these two things, everyone has to eat, and mostly everyone has feet, but I cant get over it. I would rather gouge out my face with a blunt object that be subjected to a silent room with someone else chewing.. oh goodness imagine if they had nasty feet frolicking about. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

This weekend went by very quickly. I dont even remember what happened. Last night was Bible Study at the McKays. We heard a quick talk on the goodness of God and how thankful we should be. Also, that he is sufficient for everything we need. Its funny how everything always ties in. I was having a similar conversation with Janelle about putting other things above God. She shared with me a very relevant quote:

"At the root of covetousness is a rejection of God's sufficiency. Covetousness destroys are ability to discern sufficiency."

So true.

One of my roommates is moving some stuff in to the apartment this week. Shes not staying for good though. Both of my permanent roommates will move in in about 2 weeks. I am really excited.

Also excited: Casey, Janelle, and Bryan are LEGIT coming on thursday. No joke about it. Its actually happening. I give them mad props for making this happen.

1 comment:

Alma Leigh said...

I love your bit about not being able to speak correctly. I do that kind of stuff all the time!

Nice you meet you :)