Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Posed Question: Gods Will for my Life

Someone recently posed this statement:

People say "Oh well maybe it wasn't God's will, and maybe he is just trynig to show you something or you should pray more about God's will for your life." Nobody seems to really know what is going on. The reasoning of "it is or is not God's will" just doesn't cut it for me anymore. What do I think? I think that God is interested in our lives, but not involved. Feel free to prove me wrong.

So to simplify the whole Gods will thing: When we pray, I think we should pray that Gods will is done in our lives, and that He guides us in the choices that we make, obviously we don’t want to make stupid choices. BUT We have a lot more freedom than most christians want to believe. I honestly think that we overspiritualize WAAAYYY to many things. We cry out to God “Ohhh where should I go to college?! Ohio State or Bible College.” And we stress and look for signs and worry and ask to hear his voice. And we ask “Oh should I work at Wendy’s or Burger King!” And we pray & pray & ask for signs leading us one way or another. I would venture to say that we have the freedom to make the decision.

If both choices have no immoral consequences then they are amoral, there is no wrong decision. How can we say Dang I picked McDonalds, but maybe in the back of our minds we will be thinking, “what if it’s the wrong decision and God isnt pleased.” That’s Bullcrap. If something is amoral, there is no “wrong” choice. That’s where many “christian” teachings have lead us astray, causing us more guilt and annoyance than necessary. We are free.

I think God wants us to walk righteously in all circumstances and use us wherever we are. So instead of praying “Oh God show me where I should go to college.” We should pray “Oh God help us to be people that reflect you in all circumstances, and help us to be a witness to you wherever we are.”

Steps: Have decision>Pray for guidance>Make informed decision using sense that God has given us> As a christian we have the holy spirit in us, so whatever decision we make is guided> Don... Read More’t think that you made the :wrong: decision and now God is angry/unblessing you> Allow God to transform you into someone who reflects Him more whether its at Burger King at Bible College or at a Mcdonalds in Ohio/So that lightens your load. In conclusion with that, does God care? Yes. Is He actively involved in our choices and lives? Oh yes.

NOW down to the basic question that someone asked= "The reasoning of "it is or is not God's will" just doesn't cut it for me anymore. What do I think? I think that God is interested in our lives, but not involved. Feel free to prove me wrong. "

Ok, let me respond. Gods Will= To Glorify Himself. End of story. Shizzam.

We can do that by working at McDonalds, by going to public school, by fellowshipping with believers, by being friends with nonbelievers, by walking our dog in the park every morning, by reading a good novel, by praising him for good food, by going to bible college, by being low in money, by being well endowed with money, by getting married, by staying single, by being a doctor, by being a dentist, by being a minister. As long as we do these things to his glory.

"Simple" as pie.=)

---Tell me what you think.
Am I wrong? Am I missing something? Am I dead on? What else?

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