Monday, March 1, 2010

Hello From Russia

So here I am. Day 3 into this awesome adventure. We are all safe and sound, the plane ride was smooth, but oh man so long, the day in Moscow was exciting and exhausting and brought us to see the Kremlin and other new and exciting sights, good food, a flat tire, and the train ride was fast, because we slept (I slept… haha).

Yesterday we had church in the morning at Zavaolzhye Baptist Church, and Kevin shared his powerful testimony. We also were able to see the new additions to the church since last year, which include a floor in the sanctuary, English Club room, and nice kitchen!!!! They also have a legit door, instead of just a piece of steel. Last night we ventured into Gorodets, a small town about 20 minutes from Zavolzye. There we lead their Sunday night service by singing (haha, we sang), sharing about ourselves, and Kevin sharing his testimony once more. We were able to have some really good and encouraging conversations with some of the youth, and please pray for the 17 year old boy who came up to Jake and asked him how he could believe in God, since he had a mathematical brain. He was truly searching for the truth, and they talked for a good 35 minutes until we had to leave.
Pray that our time today in the schools, that sharing our presentation, is fruitful.



Amy said...

Thanks for the update. Thankful you're there safe! Today I pray for the 17 year old and an eternally fruitful time in the schools!

Stephanie Kay said...

Thanks for sharing. So fun to be able to hear about your experiences as they happen.

Liss said...

So glad to hear that you all arrived safe in sound!! We prayed for y'all Sunday night! You are all in my prayers! Praise God for the conversation Jake was able to have! Continue to go out fearlessly proclaiming the gospel!! I look forward to reading your updates!


Alissa:Adventurer said...

Thanks for checking up guys=) I will try to update when I can