Friday, May 28, 2010

Urban Garden Paradise!

Wowzers. Remember that post a few weeks back about how I just had no clue about how to garden? Well, I still don't have a clue.

But I have started a garden! It started when I bought a pretty full grown tomato plant from Stop and Shop, and my roommate bought a basil plant. Then a co-worker gave me some tomato seedlings. Then I acquired some seeds of various sorts.

All my plants are in various stages, but it will be a fun journey!

From doing some research online, I discovered that tomatoes LOVE coffee grinds, so Ive been drinking coffee every morning for the sole purpose of feeding my tomatoes.

Im concerned that the seeds I planted this afternoon wont get enough sun or something. But my balcony gets tons of sun, so hopefully that works out.

My friend Casey is bringing me up some more awesome plants. Cant wait!

Anyone else enjoying a garden this summer? What's in yours?

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