Last night was the Student Activities Fair for all the incoming freshmen and transfers to check out all the Clubs and Organizations on campus and see if there is anything they want to get involved in. I am the President of the Christian Student Fellowship this year, and I thought our booth was quite legit! Here is Travis, Jake, and Jasmine folding some flyers. We even had cups with our logo and info on them. Legit I tell you.
At the end of the night we had passed out over 200 cups and received over 70 filled out info cards. I was also surprised at the amount of students coming up to us as asking us for information about finding a local church. I hope they follow through and put their money where their mouth is, so to speak. I also hope we can help them all get connected with local bodies.
This year we are strategically looking at our ministry from all angles. We know we have about two years with most students. Travis, the campus minister, has come up with a list of topics we are going to focus on and disciple people through. We realized that by the time a student has graduated, we want them to have grown in these areas (condensed version):
- Discipleship (we want them to be discipled, and be able to disciple)
- Missions (thinking about long term and short term missions, how to get involved)
- Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (what is it, how to grow in these areas, also dating and marriage)
- Love for the local church (we want them to understand the importance of the local church and being a member of one )
- Christian World view (this affects all aspects of life)
- Evangelism
God has truly blessed me by bringing this ministry into my life freshman year and allowing me to grow alongside such wonderful people.
The classes on my roster this trimester are:
- Intro to Psychology
- American Government
- Financing the Entrepreneurial Venture
- Career Capstone
- Statistics
For some reason I was so pumped about my major classes that left all my liberal arts classes until my last year. Which doesn't make for a very exciting senior year, let me tell you. Haha. Though my last trimester does include some travel tidbits. This is also the first year in the past two years that I will be doing academics all the way through, instead of two trimesters of academics and then one of an internship of some kind. Boring! Trust me if I could find a way, I would maneuver a way out of class, but no loop holes this year. Get in, get out, get my degree!
Otherwise this trimester I am busy working in the University Info Center answering tons of crazy phone calls ("my daughter blah blah blah late for class blah blah professor is wrong to do that blah blah blah.."). Busy living in a crazy community of awesome Christians. Busy trying to wake up at 5am and get to my 710zm classes and probably not get home until 10 pm. Busy trying to keep up with everyone from home and from RI and Russia and all over.
By the way, I have no idea what I am going to do when I graduate, in case you were wondering. But I am not worried at all really. God is sovereign, Jesus was a hobo and the sparrows are taken care of. No idea what that really means, but basically I find no reason to fret.
Ive thought about (and started applying to) seminaries. Gordon-Conwell in Boston and Southern in Louisville top out my list and both have pros and cons. Some sort of masters in Biblical Counseling would probably be my education path. Maybe I will get a job at the Southern New England AAA. Maybe I will move to Russia. Maybe I will vagabond across Asia. Its all up in the air :) I am pursuing God, Im surrounding myself with wise people, and thats what really matters.
So yeah. One year left, lets make it a good one.
Friends of ours just moved away from Louisville. He graduated from Southern and they stayed around a few years. They can point you to great churches, etc. if you need the info.
Have a great year!
Hi Alyssa! What a lovely blog you have! I saw your blog listed in the New England Blog Directory! We also living in RI and are now following you will google friend connect! We also have a blog at
Hope you will swing by and visit us too!
Great job with your mission =]
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