Saturday, November 6, 2010

Beyond Words

Beyond Words
by Alissa

Toska, a sick pining for which nothing will satisfy
vague restlessness, no answer
we gaze.
and it happens again and again.
But nothing ever happens.
a jayus, we cannot help but to laugh
despite the lack of humor.
the reality breaks through.
litost. tears.      toska.
Луна поцеловала наши лицас
его сияющим мягким
жаромчерез темноту это сияло
we cannot plimplamppletteren. like old.
just empty skipping syllables.
refrain. dont tingo what I have in my heart,
slowly, unknowingly it could happen.
it is diaphanous, cant you see? but full.
I've heard,
there is a remedy. opposing toska. opposing poshlust.
Mellifluous, cadence- susurrus, from above.
we need to try.
Cant you hear it?

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