Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Churches in Greater Providence

Using Google Analytics, I have seen activity on my blog from people searching for churches in Providence, and near Johnson & Wales specifically. So I figured I would compile a (non)exhaustive list, so that in the future, if someone were searching this out and they somehow arrive at my blog, there will be something helpful to offer!

Grace Harbor Community Church
Pastor Kevin McKay
Currently Meeting at the Courtyard Marriott, check website for details
Providence, RI
Trinity Presbyterian
Pastor: David Sherwood
72 Clifford St.
Providence, RI 02903
DownCity Church
Pastor: Ted Strickland
68 Kennedy Plaza
Providence, RI 02903
The Sacred Journey
Pastor: Todd Murphy
91 Fricker Street
Providence, RI 02903

These are churches that I find to be gospel centered, bible loving, caring congregations. Now I say this is not exhaustive because these only make up churches that I have attended or where I know the pastor. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

*These websites have great "church search" reference guides by city and zipcode:

*This is a great book about what makes a church a "healthy" church:
What is a Healthy Church by Mark Dever

Hope you find a great church!

1 comment:

Cait said...

Renaissance meets in South Providence and is a great church with a good portion of young adults in their 20s-30s.

And Sanctuary, the church I go to, is currently being planted in Providence this summer (We were currently part of Christ Church in East Greenwich).

These two churches are extremely loving and welcoming places-- definitely worth exploring when looking for a new church