Friday, July 8, 2011

Mini Expeditions : Every Day Theology

I stumble upon quite a few blogs, and good ones at that. Usually I like to check out what my favorite bloggers recommend, and go from there. I don't remember who got me on to the blog "Blogging Theologically," but I really dig it.

My favorite posts have been a series on digging in to common theologies that people toss around as truth. It has been really interesting and eye opening. Take a gander, I'm sure you are familiar with most of them. Click 'em to read the real story.

"God won't give you more than you can handle." 
Oh really?

"You need to feed yourself."

"God helps those who help themselves."

"Money is the root of all evil."

"Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child."

"Just Listen To Your Heart"

What other common phrases exist that are pretty much crap theology? 

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