"You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you.." (Deut 15:15)
I have heard it said that every time we sin, we are forgetting our identity as a son in the house of the Lord and running back to the slave master of judgement and shackles. This rings true in my life. When I sin, I often forget that I am a liberated daughter of the most high king, and revert to a cowering little dog chained to a fence.
One of the awesome things about being deeply involved in a local church is the biblical duty to one another to constantly be reminding each other of truth. Much of this truth we are to remind each other of is the fact that we are no longer slaves to sin, but alive in Christ.
Colossians 3:9 Tells us to stop lying to one another, as we have put off the "old self"
Colossians 3:11 tells us to bear with one another and forgive each other, because that is how God has treated us
Hebrews 3:13 Tells us to daily point each other to christ so that we are not caught in the hardness of sin
Hebrews 10:24 Reminds us to encourage each other in love, as we have been loved
1 Peter 4:8 Tells us to love each other earnestly
1 Peter 4:9 Tells us to show hospitality to one another without complaining, as that is what God offered us
(the list goes on...)
How many times do we see other brothers and sisters stumbling (stumbling or struggling) and only respond self righteously, judgmentally, or without concern. What an anti-gospel attitude (that I am not proud to admit having at times).
But when we show each other love, exhort one another to pursue the truth, and encourage one another gently and tenderly, we are essentially preaching to one another: "Listen brother, Christ has set me free from my own sin! I am now free to serve Christ and not my own desires. Let me love him by loving you! Remember!You do not have to be a slave to yourself either! Put off your old ways! Follow Christ!"
I am so thankful for a church family that often responds to me in grace, truth, and love. When I forget my identity and act sinfully which causes hurt, friction, or pain- they preach to me, through words and actions: "Sister, God has forgiven and loved me, and I forgive and love you. God forgives and loves you, turn from your sin and follow Christ. Remember the Lord your God has redeemed you."
Next time someone hurts you or is acting sinfully, remember that this is a time to lovingly point that person to the gospel, through word, actions, and your response to them. Help them remember their identity as a ransomed sinner who can find freedom, rest, and hope in the Christ who has saved them.
"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:35
Why do you always say the most encouraging things? Gosh.
awww, thanks Michelle!
Your post never cease in giving me hope and strengthening my Faith. Thanks.
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