Monday, July 27, 2009

For Stephanieee =) Questions that Need Answers

So your blog isnt letting me post comments, so I figured that I would just write a little blog post for you addressing some of the questions you have. I am no scholar or super ridiculously smart person, so take my answers with a grain of salt, and if you have any more.. feel free to ask away.

So here is the question being asked. Im going to post it and think about it a little more before I say something. If anyone else is more able to respond at the moment or has anything to say, please comment.

Do you believe everything happens for a reason? And if yes, why...?

Stephanie: you should check out this website.. its really interesting and helpful in multitudes of ways Boundless
Also, question for you: Who/what do you think plans out our lives?

1 comment:

GazingattheMoon said...

I am also not a scholar, but I have a few opinions on this. I truly believe that everything in life happens for a reason. I believe that the things that happen, good or bad, form us into who we are. The wonderful things in life bring us closer to others in joy and give us fond memories of laughter, while the difficulties bring us closer in tears and strength. I believe the Bible teaches that, though all things in life are not from God (sin, death, etc..), some of those things are allowed by God. Difficult situations help us grow. like, 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger' kind of thing. Hard times bring you closer to God and His love and the life lessons and principles you learn from them will be used to help others in the future who are going through what you have already gone through, and you can use that to guide them through it...