Monday, January 24, 2011

Russia Once Again!

Dear Friend,

I am preparing to go to Russia once again! 

When: February 25th through March 6th, 2011 

Where: Moscow and Zavolzhye Russia

With Who: a team of 6 others from Grace Harbor Community Church  and fellow JWU students.
What: We will be helping Christ Our Savior Church in Zavolzhy'e, Russia with their youth outreach by speaking in high school classes about American life and culture. These presentations are the platform by which we will build relationships with students wherein we can invite them to church and share the gospel. We will also be spending some days supporting a missionary family in Moscow, as we learn about their ministry and how to partner with them in the future.

Why Russia: Statistics on the country paint a bleak picture of a nation that is without hope. Less than 3% of the population claims to believe in the gospel of the Bible. Russia’s population drops by nearly 500,000 each year and there are more abortions every year than live births. The alcoholism rates in Russia are among the highest in the world and drug abuse and AIDS run rampant among the youth there. The only hope for Russia is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and I am excited to witness firsthand how God will move.

What you can do: We will be meeting the spiritual needs of many people while serving and more than anything, prayer would be most beneficial support you can offer. God does answer prayers.

 I am asking that you pray for:
  • safety
  • travel
  • financial support for other team members
  • that we will have servants hearts
  • that God will soften the hearts of those we meet
  • that our service will be a blessing and encouragement 
               The trip cost is $1,800. Johnson & Wales (my SECULAR university) has appropriated a good chunk of money per student, and the other portion was from an anonymous scholarship credited to my student account. God has worked miracles to provide the whole thing, completely and unexpectedly.

Thank you so much for your time and prayers. I am so thankful for the body of Christ and am truly blessed beyond measure knowing that there are so many of you which I can truly call brother and sister because of Christ’s unimaginable love demonstrated for us on the cross. I pray that each one of you would be awestruck by the work of Calvary, and heartbroken for those without Christ. 

1 comment:

Stephanie Kay said...

How wonderful that God provided for you to return!