We all sat in a circle and went around the room saying what we were thankful for. Of course we were thankful for our family, friends, and good health, promotions, etc. Do not think for one second that I am discounting those amazing blessings, but it was incredibly amazing what other kinds of things people were saying.
Every day I am so encouraged by my church family at Grace Harbor Community Church and the hearts these people have. It’s amazing to see how much more we have, as a church, truly started trusting in God's providences and grace, even when it’s dark and scary and hard and strips us from all we've got. It was encouraging to hear people talk about how thankful they were for the hard situations in their lives this year. For example, Jess was talking about her surgery and how she was thankful that God has used the pain from it to show her how to trust Him and lean on him for strength. Wendy talked about the blessings that have come from her blindness. Rachel talked about how she was just thankful to still be thankful and not bitter after a rough year.
For me personally, I have learned this past year to be thankful when God doesn’t answer my prayers the way I would want Him too. Looking back, if He had given me a certain relationship that I strived so much for- I definitely wouldn’t have grown leaps and bounds like I did, coming to a more complete realization that Christ is my all. In fact, I would still be trapped in the pattern of needing people more than loving them. If God had taken people out of my life because I didn’t think I could handle the hurt, then I wouldn’t have learned to love a lot more unconditionally those that I didn’t think I could even like. If God had allowed me to get accepted for Switzerland, then I wouldn’t be going to Russia for missions, and getting co-op credit for it -ten times better. Even thinking all these things, I am just humbled, almost ashamed for my reactions when things first did not go my way.
Looking at circumstances in this light has caused me to take a general step back and realize that I cannot see the complete bigger picture. It makes me thankful for God's perfect, loving, and violent grace in my life- that everything physical can be stripped away from us but we still have the Gospel. It’s definitely really hard to be seriously disappointed by something you thought was going to happen, and then look at it with thanksgiving- but its truth, it’s the way we should respond. We need to grasp that God knows what He is doing. He loves us, and sometimes in loving us, He has to take crap out of our lives or take us on a different path so we can mature and focus more clearly on Him.
Happy Thanksgiving... what are you thankful for?
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
A Delightful Thanksgiving Recipe
Hey yo! This is cross posted with my other blog, Shoot Son. Dang Girl, so fee free o head over there if you for some reason want to see the exact same post.
I figured that I would share with you a recipe that I have made countless times, and each time the pot is completely wiped clean by the end of the meal. (Great for potlucks or big gatherings of people.)
4 cups green beans (however you like them- canned, fresh, french cut, etc)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can French's French fried onions
1 Table spoon of Parmesan Cheese (or parm/ramano mix)
1 dash of garlic powder
1 dash of onion powder
1 dash of pepper
So get out your crock pot. Pour in the green beans. I try to drain them first. Now pour in the cream of mushroom soup and mix it up. You can slosh around a bit of water in the soup can to get it all out, and then pour all of that in. Add the table spoon of parmesan cheese, and the dash of garlic powder, dash of onion powder, pepper, mix it up.
Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours, or on high for 2-3.
***In the middle of your cook time, pour the onions evenly over the top and continue cooking.***
Then serve and enjoy.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone=)
I figured that I would share with you a recipe that I have made countless times, and each time the pot is completely wiped clean by the end of the meal. (Great for potlucks or big gatherings of people.)
GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE: Crock pot style.
I originally found this recipe from Crockpot365 but since she isnt personally fond of her own recipe, Ive decided to not copy and paste her words, but instead give you my interpretation, because I mix it up a little bit. I use my crock pot because I like how easy it is, just set it and forget it. It gives you more time and freedom to do other things through the day and not worry about baking time or whatever.Ingredients
4 cups green beans (however you like them- canned, fresh, french cut, etc)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can French's French fried onions
1 Table spoon of Parmesan Cheese (or parm/ramano mix)
1 dash of garlic powder
1 dash of onion powder
1 dash of pepper
So get out your crock pot. Pour in the green beans. I try to drain them first. Now pour in the cream of mushroom soup and mix it up. You can slosh around a bit of water in the soup can to get it all out, and then pour all of that in. Add the table spoon of parmesan cheese, and the dash of garlic powder, dash of onion powder, pepper, mix it up.
Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours, or on high for 2-3.
***In the middle of your cook time, pour the onions evenly over the top and continue cooking.***
Then serve and enjoy.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone=)
Thanksgiving Delight: A Recipe that Rocks
Hey yo! So right now its technically Thanksgiving, even though Im still awake and considering it Wednesday night. I just figured that I would share with you a recipe that I have made countless times, and each time the pot is completely wiped clean by the end of the meal. (Great for potlucks or big gatherings of people.)
4 cups green beans (however you like them- canned, fresh, french cut, etc)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can French's French fried onions
1 Table spoon of Parmesan Cheese (or parm/ramano mix)
1 dash of garlic powder
1 dash of onion powder
1 dash of pepper
So get out your crock pot. Pour in the green beans. I try to drain them first. Now pour in the cream of mushroom soup and mix it up. You can slosh around a bit of water in the soup can to get it all out, and then pour all of that in. Add the table spoon of parmesan cheese, and the dash of garlic powder, dash of onion powder, pepper, mix it up.
Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours, or on high for 2-3.
***In the middle of your cook time, pour the onions evenly over the top and continue cooking.***
Then serve and enjoy.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone=)
GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE: Crock pot style.
I originally found this recipe from Crockpot365 but since she isnt personally fond of her own recipe, Ive decided to not copy and paste her words, but instead give you my interpretation, because I mix it up a little bit. I use my crock pot because I like how easy it is, just set it and forget it. It gives you more time and freedom to do other things through the day and not worry about baking time or whatever.Ingredients
4 cups green beans (however you like them- canned, fresh, french cut, etc)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can French's French fried onions
1 Table spoon of Parmesan Cheese (or parm/ramano mix)
1 dash of garlic powder
1 dash of onion powder
1 dash of pepper
So get out your crock pot. Pour in the green beans. I try to drain them first. Now pour in the cream of mushroom soup and mix it up. You can slosh around a bit of water in the soup can to get it all out, and then pour all of that in. Add the table spoon of parmesan cheese, and the dash of garlic powder, dash of onion powder, pepper, mix it up.
Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours, or on high for 2-3.
***In the middle of your cook time, pour the onions evenly over the top and continue cooking.***
Then serve and enjoy.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone=)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Straight Up Info About My Trip to Russia
(hanging out with the underground youth at the church)
Thanks to many supporters last year, I was able to go to Russia in February 2009 for 9 days. This year God has given me an even greater opportunity to serve Him. I will be going again with a team from my church/school, but instead of coming home with them after those 9 days, I will be staying in Russia for 3 months. This will take place February - May 2010. It is amazing to see God’s hand in this whole process, as my university has allowed me to use this three months off as a “co-operative learning experience,” in which I will document my experiences and a get full trimester’s worth of academic credit… for Missions!!!!!I will be partnering with a church in Russia and working with them to further the gospel in the community through English Clubs, collegiate and children’s outreach, discipleship, small groups, hanging out with orphans, prayer walks, English tutoring, along with many other ministry possibilities. I simply hope that God is made strong through my weaknesses and I am able to share the redeeming power of the Gospel through relationships built there.
The past trimester continuing through until March, I am studying the Russian language. I have come such a distance already, but still minimally able to communicate. I can pretty much read anything and I know how to get across what Im trying to say. Lets just pray that I can get a better grip on it.
The cost of the trip is $2500 and includes airfare, living expenses, insurance, etc etc.
A member of my team from last years trip is also going back to Russia for an extended period of time. He will be living there from January-March and setting the groundwork for many of the things I will be involved in. He is more well versed in the Russian language and thinks about alot of practical things that I never would have thought of. It is such a blessing to have him there.
(inside of Christ our Saviour Church in Zavolzhye)
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
If you are interested in supporting me financially or through prayer, please email me at alissagraham116@gmail.com and I will be incredibly thankful!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Missions Focus: Russia
So about every other week at the college fellowship, Tuesday Night Truth, I give a little presentation on a country and some interesting facts and figures about religion, missions, etc. A few weeks ago I talked about Russia. Here is the link from the TnT blog. And here is the info:
Missions Focus: Russia
63% Russian Orthodox
16% non-believers.
12% said they believe in God, but did not practice any religion
6% Muslim
1% either Buddhist, Catholic, Protestant or Jewish
Specific Ways to Pray:
Also, I follow some blogs of people that live in Russia- maybe as missionaries, or business people, or just a random family. Its really fascinating and encouraging to read stories that these people share about their lives and how they have come to adjust to life in Russia.
Check out these blogs:
Missions Focus: Russia
- There are many interesting things to learn about this country and how we can be more involved in sharing the gospel.
- Russian Orthodoxy is the dominant religion in Russia
- Some residents of the Siberian and Far Eastern regions practice shamanist, pantheistic, and pagan rites
- 70 years during communism- scientific atheism was enforced
63% Russian Orthodox
16% non-believers.
12% said they believe in God, but did not practice any religion
6% Muslim
1% either Buddhist, Catholic, Protestant or Jewish
Specific Ways to Pray:
- Russians are now turning to alcohol, drugs and occultism to fill their spiritual emptiness. Pray that God will do a work in this country and bring the gospel: allowing people to have hope, know love, and trust in God.
- Pray for church planters and missionaries willing to dedicate time and resources to spreading the gospel here
- Government begins to loosen grip on religious intolerance.
Also, I follow some blogs of people that live in Russia- maybe as missionaries, or business people, or just a random family. Its really fascinating and encouraging to read stories that these people share about their lives and how they have come to adjust to life in Russia.
Check out these blogs:
Monday, November 23, 2009
New Music Monday: JJ Heller
Ok, random new feature that I might do every so often. New Music Monday!!!
Today we are going to talk about a really great singer songwriter that my friend Rachel introduced me to the other night.
Her name is JJ Heller and her music is reminiscent of Norah Jones, Colbie Caillat, and Regina Spektor. She is a Christian who has had her music featured on the tv show So You Think You Can Dance, as well as Klove. Oh man I cant get enough of her music. Listen Below, check it out on youtube, buy her cds.
You tell me life will not be pain free.
What will be will always be in your control.
You are stronger than any terrible possible scenario today,
Come and save me.
You’re the only source of all the peace I need,
Come and save me.
Today we are going to talk about a really great singer songwriter that my friend Rachel introduced me to the other night.
Her name is JJ Heller and her music is reminiscent of Norah Jones, Colbie Caillat, and Regina Spektor. She is a Christian who has had her music featured on the tv show So You Think You Can Dance, as well as Klove. Oh man I cant get enough of her music. Listen Below, check it out on youtube, buy her cds.
You tell me life will not be pain free.
What will be will always be in your control.
You are stronger than any terrible possible scenario today,
Come and save me.
You’re the only source of all the peace I need,
Come and save me.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Its Time for Some Christmas Crafts!
So Friday night I went over to Melissa's house and my other friends Rachel and Melissa H were there and we made all sorts of Christmas crafts! These are the ones I made, mini gingerbread houses out of Milk Cartons and felt! So easy! I would totally recommend making them with kids or adults, and they will definitely look great on the mantle.
Found directions on the internet, at Family Fun, but honestly its just so easy just use your creativity. Here are the steps:
1. Get Milk Cartons, organge juice, half and half.. whatever
2. Cover them in Brown Felt or foam
3. Cut out cute designs and glue it them on!
4. Cut off the bottom of the carton so they stand flat and not wobbly.
I made all my little decorations from scratch using ideas from the magazine and also just my own inspiration. You can basically go crazy, use whatever colors, supplies, sparkly things you want. Its your gingerbread house. We used glitter foam, rick-rack, colored felt, and pom poms for ours.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Show Us Your Life: Pets!
Every so often I make it over to Kelly's Corner weekly "Show Us Your Life" segments. Sometimes the topic doesnt really have to do with me, but when it does, Im all over it!
Meet Mr. Kodey Pants!
My dog is the best little buddy ever. His real name is Kodey, but we have buttloads of awkward nicknames for him. Kodey is a six year old "lab shepard collie mix," or something like that (he is impossible to define). He was brought to us as a small puppy by a friend who picked him up for free at a county fair, and was a little sack of fur and cuteness. He could hardly walk because since he was so cute everyone just carried him and held onto him tight!
We are best friends because when he was younger and we lived by the Erie canal I would take him on runs all the time and I kind of trained him and loved him through all his shortcomings. haha.
When he was two years old, he decided to run into the street and ended up getting hit by a car, resulting in a completely shattered pelvis. Much to my father's dismay, we decided to get him fixed up. Too much money, a rod in his thigh bone, a few years, and tons of meds later, he is practically back to normal! He runs and frolicks, and loves jumping in gross bodies of water to fetch sticks!

When we moved to my grandparents house, he became really spoiled rotten because my grandma loved him way too much. I think he is still trying to work off the weight from all the treats. Haha. Just kidding grandma =)
His favorite activities include:
Eating tissues from the garbage
Sleeping on people's beds.
Peeing on shoes
Frolicking and chasing balls
Chasing cats in the neighbors yard.
Eating every kind of food in the world
Going for car rides
Hanging out with his family and friends
Nawing on bones until they are gone.

(dont ask..)
Mr Pantsy.
Sir Kodey Pantalones
Mr Kodey Pants
Little Pants
Little Buddy
Kodey Pants
Crazy Fool.
Grumpy Old Man
<---Kodey at Christmas.
Ok ok I could go on and on about this dog. But come on, isn't he cute!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Almost. Done.
One more final and I am peacing out of Fall Trimester 2009!!! Hoorah! I did better than I thought in some classes, and worse than I thought in others. By that I mean one of my professors told me that it was mathmatically impossible for me to pass Statistics no matter what grade I got on the final. So I ended up writing my name on it, throwing some answers on the scan-tron and peacing out. I can retake it with a new prof and get a better grade and pretend none of that even happened. Haha.
This Thanksgiving I will be staying in Providence and just hanging out with my doggie friend Gunther. I get to dog sit him while my friends are out of town for the holiday. Its going to be quite fun, as this little bugger is a ball of energy and full throttle movement. I cant wait to take him on walks and play with him like crazy!!!
Never fear though, I do have plans with humans as well. Next Tuesday I will be visiting with my old pastor, Andy, and his family in Massachussetts! I have only seen them all briefly since the beginning of October and miss them dearly. Andy's dad will be at their house too. He will be going to Russia on a long term volunteer assignment, and we will kind of working together. Its super exciting because I havent seen him since our trip to Russia last spring, and we will get to finally catch up and talk about some details. Also, on Thanksgiving day I will be over at the McKays house with some church family. I pumped about this, because Thanksgiving is always awesome, and my church family is awesome too! (I will miss my real family, of course!!)
As for my Russia missions and co-op trip, Ive been getting a slow intake of information. Yesterday I had a meeting with JWU Career Development about the JWU side of the co-op. It was informative and I cant wait to get more details to them! Also, because I will be getting credit for the co-op I have to complete different projects, one being a 30 page paper. But after she explained it to me, I do not feel intimidated by this, more excited than anything. My co-op Advisor is really excited for me, and told me that I am the only student going abroad for my internship during spring trimester. Also, emails have been sent my way about different conversations that are taking place between Russia and the International Missions Board office, which is cool for me to see. It shows me how many people are involved in this process, as well as the fact that things are being developed and worked out for my arrival. Very tentatively, I will be living in an apartment as well as getting my own Russian cell phone. I will also being helping to lead an "English Club" although that term is still kind of vague in my mind.
Sometimes I wonder what in the heck I am thinking, peacing out for three months and living in a country where I can barely communicate and have no close friends or comforts. Then I realize that God seriously is in complete control and I need not worry. Since day one of this whole process, His hands have been evident and giving much favor. As I look back on this past year, I thank Him for everything He has brought me through and cherish what a loving God He truly is.
Thats all for now=)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Social Media Annoys Me
Ok so: Facebook, Twitter, Flikr, blah blah blah.
I love the stuff, and I think that it can definitely be used constructively. But dear lordy, sometimes being away for it and then checking it again makes me remember why I dont miss it. Ive come up with some ways that people abuse it.
#1: Dont use social media selfishly. If you arent going to interact and respond, whats the point? Get a paper notebook. That way you wont spam the twitterverse or my facebook page with useless crap that is just to get yourself attention. And I wont have to worry about responding to something you say and it never being acknowledged. Social media is similar to real life, let me explain. If you just walk around all day spouting off random crap about yourself, and you dont engage people around you in conversation, then people will start to really get ticked off at you or just ignore you all together. Same with Facebook and Twitter. Sure you can say whatever you want, but if other people try to talk to you about it and you just ignore it, why? My favorite "Unmarketing" guy, Scott Stratten, always makes a point to stop spouting off crap and to start engaging.
Like I said, they do sell pretty notebooks at Barnes and Noble. I will buy you one.
#2: Dont complain about how lonely you are via social media. If you have 500 friends on facebook and 70 on Twitter, but you cant talk to any of them in real life about some struggles you are having, maybe you should rethink some things: are you making an effort to be a friend to others, do you isolate yourself, do you really belong in a city/town where you cant reach out, are there people reaching out to you but you are turning them down? Most likely the issue lies with you, and not others.
and thats all I have to say for now.
I love the stuff, and I think that it can definitely be used constructively. But dear lordy, sometimes being away for it and then checking it again makes me remember why I dont miss it. Ive come up with some ways that people abuse it.
#1: Dont use social media selfishly. If you arent going to interact and respond, whats the point? Get a paper notebook. That way you wont spam the twitterverse or my facebook page with useless crap that is just to get yourself attention. And I wont have to worry about responding to something you say and it never being acknowledged. Social media is similar to real life, let me explain. If you just walk around all day spouting off random crap about yourself, and you dont engage people around you in conversation, then people will start to really get ticked off at you or just ignore you all together. Same with Facebook and Twitter. Sure you can say whatever you want, but if other people try to talk to you about it and you just ignore it, why? My favorite "Unmarketing" guy, Scott Stratten, always makes a point to stop spouting off crap and to start engaging.
Like I said, they do sell pretty notebooks at Barnes and Noble. I will buy you one.
#2: Dont complain about how lonely you are via social media. If you have 500 friends on facebook and 70 on Twitter, but you cant talk to any of them in real life about some struggles you are having, maybe you should rethink some things: are you making an effort to be a friend to others, do you isolate yourself, do you really belong in a city/town where you cant reach out, are there people reaching out to you but you are turning them down? Most likely the issue lies with you, and not others.
and thats all I have to say for now.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Conferences, Finals, and Membership!
Oh my goodness folks! Its been a busy trimester for me. Every day brings a new activity or meeting or who knows what that just has to be attended to. Dont think Im complaining, because Im not, its just a lot of things going on!
This week I was blessed by being able to attend a conference in Massachussetts at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. It was a day long talk given by David Paul Tripp, one of my favorite authors and Christian ministry leaders. The title of the conference was: "The Church: Too many unproductive people." It was a really interesting conference and I got a lot from it.
My friends Ben, Kim, Jon and I were able to go up with Kevin and get the cost covered. It fell under "leadership development" because we are all CSF leaders, it worked out! I will probably be posting some tidbits about it later on next week.
Wednesday evenning my pastor was speaking at a church in Seekonk that GHCC has a relationship with, because it was their annual missions conference and Pastor Kevin was kind of communicating that missions is local as well as international, and that we should puruse missions out of desire to see God glorified by all people, not just because we feel guilty. A bunch of us went from Grace Harbor and they gave us a tasty dinner, and alot of hospitality and welcoming arms. Hopefully in the future our churches will be able to partner in new ways in order to spread the gospel.
Last night, Kim, Hannah, and I went over to my pastors house for our membership interviews. Our church is trying to be a biblical church and have biblical membership. This isnt the kind of membership that you carry a little photo id card and can get special discounts at a gym or something, but more of a committment kind of thing that holds us all accountable and just shows the community our unity and love for one another. So the "interview" was more or less just share your testimony and the gospel and get to know people. It was really awesome to see how God has worked in so many people's lives, and brought them to Providence, brought them to Grace Harbor.
Other than that, just trying to get school work taken care of, christian student fellowship leadership stuff, etc etc... oh yeah.. and SLEEP! WHAT IS THAT? I dont even know. haha. Peace out until next time=)
This week I was blessed by being able to attend a conference in Massachussetts at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. It was a day long talk given by David Paul Tripp, one of my favorite authors and Christian ministry leaders. The title of the conference was: "The Church: Too many unproductive people." It was a really interesting conference and I got a lot from it.
The mobilization of the body of Christ is one of the chief problems facing the church today. Our churches are filled with people who do not understand the heart-motivating and life-transforming truth of their new potential in Christ. Because of this, they live with confusion in their personal lives and timidity in regard to ministry. How can we motivate people out of their passivity? How can we teach them the true nature of ministry? This one-day seminar is designed to help church members be involved in what God is doing in the lives of others.
My friends Ben, Kim, Jon and I were able to go up with Kevin and get the cost covered. It fell under "leadership development" because we are all CSF leaders, it worked out! I will probably be posting some tidbits about it later on next week.
Wednesday evenning my pastor was speaking at a church in Seekonk that GHCC has a relationship with, because it was their annual missions conference and Pastor Kevin was kind of communicating that missions is local as well as international, and that we should puruse missions out of desire to see God glorified by all people, not just because we feel guilty. A bunch of us went from Grace Harbor and they gave us a tasty dinner, and alot of hospitality and welcoming arms. Hopefully in the future our churches will be able to partner in new ways in order to spread the gospel.
Last night, Kim, Hannah, and I went over to my pastors house for our membership interviews. Our church is trying to be a biblical church and have biblical membership. This isnt the kind of membership that you carry a little photo id card and can get special discounts at a gym or something, but more of a committment kind of thing that holds us all accountable and just shows the community our unity and love for one another. So the "interview" was more or less just share your testimony and the gospel and get to know people. It was really awesome to see how God has worked in so many people's lives, and brought them to Providence, brought them to Grace Harbor.
Other than that, just trying to get school work taken care of, christian student fellowship leadership stuff, etc etc... oh yeah.. and SLEEP! WHAT IS THAT? I dont even know. haha. Peace out until next time=)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Brown Hockey Game
Last night I had the amazing chance to go to a Brown University hockey game. My friend Dan is an S/E/E major, meaning that he does sports, entertainment, and events stuff. He is some sort of coach intern for the Brown women's hockey team and he scored free tickets! It was so much fun!!!! I havent been to a sporting event in such a long time, and it felt good to get my cheer on. We made signs and painted our faces, and I even brought my speaker thing. Some of the guys made this huge cutout thing of a "d" and literally a fence. It was hilarious. What a good night and I cant wait until the next game!!!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Post Secret!
I am still pumped from seeing this guy speak tonight. I have every single one of his books from day one, and regularly check his website for updates, and new secrets, and everything really. He collects postcards with secrets on them, and is known as "The Most Trusted Stranger in America."
Check it out:
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Free Stuff
Monday, November 2, 2009
Fall Fall
So I totally made these cute pumpkin crafts the other day. I got the idea from an awesome blog, Hostess with the Mostess. They turned out cool and talk about EASY! I tried to be creative by making red ones for apples, but apparently, according to certain people, coughben&isaaccough, they looked like turnips. But alas orange ones are absolutely adorable!
I also roasted some pumpkin seeds from the pumpkins that my roommates carved! Not at all what I remember them tasting like, but a pleasant surprise none the less. Its simple: heat oven to 365, put seeds on an oiled sheet pan, I used Olive Oil, and sprinkle them with salt, then bake until perfectly roasted and browned!
Fall, I love you.
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