Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Missions Focus: Russia

So about every other week at the college fellowship, Tuesday Night Truth, I give a little presentation on a country and some interesting facts and figures about religion, missions, etc. A few weeks ago I talked about Russia. Here is the link from the TnT blog. And here is the info:

Missions Focus: Russia 
  • There are many interesting things to learn about this country and how we can be more involved in sharing the gospel.
  • Russian Orthodoxy is the dominant religion in Russia
  • Some residents of the Siberian and Far Eastern regions practice shamanist, pantheistic, and pagan rites
  • 70 years during communism- scientific atheism was enforced

63% Russian Orthodox
16% non-believers.
12% said they believe in God, but did not practice any religion
6% Muslim
1% either Buddhist, Catholic, Protestant or Jewish

Specific Ways to Pray:
  • Russians are now turning to alcohol, drugs and occultism to fill their spiritual emptiness. Pray that God will do a work in this country and bring the gospel: allowing people to have hope, know love, and trust in God.
  • Pray for church planters and missionaries willing to dedicate time and resources to spreading the gospel here
  • Government begins to loosen grip on religious intolerance. 

Also, I follow some blogs of people that live in Russia- maybe as missionaries, or business people, or just a random family. Its really fascinating and encouraging to read stories that these people share about their lives and how they have come to adjust to life in Russia.

Check out these blogs:

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