Every so often I make it over to Kelly's Corner weekly "Show Us Your Life" segments. Sometimes the topic doesnt really have to do with me, but when it does, Im all over it!
Meet Mr. Kodey Pants!
My dog is the best little buddy ever. His real name is Kodey, but we have buttloads of awkward nicknames for him. Kodey is a six year old "lab shepard collie mix," or something like that (he is impossible to define). He was brought to us as a small puppy by a friend who picked him up for free at a county fair, and was a little sack of fur and cuteness. He could hardly walk because since he was so cute everyone just carried him and held onto him tight!
We are best friends because when he was younger and we lived by the Erie canal I would take him on runs all the time and I kind of trained him and loved him through all his shortcomings. haha.
When he was two years old, he decided to run into the street and ended up getting hit by a car, resulting in a completely shattered pelvis. Much to my father's dismay, we decided to get him fixed up. Too much money, a rod in his thigh bone, a few years, and tons of meds later, he is practically back to normal! He runs and frolicks, and loves jumping in gross bodies of water to fetch sticks!

When we moved to my grandparents house, he became really spoiled rotten because my grandma loved him way too much. I think he is still trying to work off the weight from all the treats. Haha. Just kidding grandma =)
His favorite activities include:
Eating tissues from the garbage
Sleeping on people's beds.
Peeing on shoes
Frolicking and chasing balls
Chasing cats in the neighbors yard.
Eating every kind of food in the world
Going for car rides
Hanging out with his family and friends
Nawing on bones until they are gone.

(dont ask..)
Mr Pantsy.
Sir Kodey Pantalones
Mr Kodey Pants
Little Pants
Little Buddy
Kodey Pants
Crazy Fool.
Grumpy Old Man
<---Kodey at Christmas.
Ok ok I could go on and on about this dog. But come on, isn't he cute!
Ben & Ellie are sitting here looking at the pics of your dog. I'm sure they'd talk to you about him at church. :)
BTW, my family lives in Arkansas a couple of towns over from Kelly from Kelly's Korner.
Oh hey Ben and Ellie!
Thanks for stopping by =)
Kelly's blog makes me want to visit the south more and more! Do you miss Arkansas?
Thanks for the comment on my blog! :) Love your handsome guy! Are mixed breeds the best? We've always had mixes until recently. Seems strange to have purebred dogs in the house. I just love me a "mutt"! :)
I love this!!!
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