Friday, November 13, 2009

Conferences, Finals, and Membership!

Oh my goodness folks! Its been a busy trimester for me. Every day brings a new activity or meeting or who knows what that just has to be attended to. Dont think Im complaining, because Im not, its just a lot of things going on!

This week I was blessed by being able to attend a conference in Massachussetts at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. It was a day long talk given by David Paul Tripp, one of my favorite authors and Christian ministry leaders. The title of the conference was: "The Church: Too many unproductive people."  It was a really interesting conference and I got a lot from it.
The mobilization of the body of Christ is one of the chief problems facing the church today. Our churches are filled with people who do not understand the heart-motivating and life-transforming truth of their new potential in Christ. Because of this, they live with confusion in their personal lives and timidity in regard to ministry. How can we motivate people out of their passivity? How can we teach them the true nature of ministry? This one-day seminar is designed to help church members be involved in what God is doing in the lives of others. 

My friends Ben, Kim, Jon and I were able to go up with Kevin and get the cost covered. It fell under "leadership development" because we are all CSF leaders, it worked out! I will probably be posting some tidbits about it later on next week.

Wednesday evenning my pastor was speaking at a church in Seekonk that GHCC has a relationship with, because it was their annual missions conference and Pastor Kevin was kind of communicating that missions is local as well as international, and that we should puruse missions out of desire to see God glorified by all people, not just because we feel guilty. A bunch of us went from Grace Harbor and they gave us a tasty dinner, and alot of hospitality and welcoming arms. Hopefully in the future our churches will be able to partner in new ways in order to spread the gospel.

Last night, Kim, Hannah, and I went over to my pastors house for our membership interviews. Our church is trying to be a biblical church and have biblical membership. This isnt the kind of membership that you carry a little photo id card and can get special discounts at a gym or something, but more of a committment kind of thing that holds us all accountable and just shows the community our unity and love for one another. So the "interview" was more or less just share your testimony and the gospel and get to know people. It was really awesome to see how God has worked in so many people's lives, and brought them to Providence, brought them to Grace Harbor.

Other than that, just trying to get school work taken care of, christian student fellowship leadership stuff, etc etc... oh yeah.. and SLEEP! WHAT IS THAT? I dont even know. haha. Peace out until next time=)

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