Where am I in the scheme of things?
My last class is August 8th. My last day of work at Johnson & Wales is August 12th.
Cant believe it really.
I need to find a job. I've put in applications at AAA, Collete Vacations, and Tillinger's Concierge. Last night I got a call about an interview at AAA! WHEWW Rock on. So that is this Wednesday. The position is part time Wednesday-Saturday, but hey, it is a foot in the door.
Liz said to me yesterday "Remember when I met you last year and you told me that working at AAA would be your dream job?" So that is pretty cool, and I pray that they think I am a great candidate!
This weekend I am going to San Diego California for a conference sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage. The conference is called "It Takes A Family to Raise a Village," and will be 3 days of lectures on defending traditional marriage from social and political standpoints. It is not supported by a specific "faith tradition" but more of an advocacy and educational organization. I was accepted to this conference and they are basically paying my way, which is dang great.
While the conference is not affiliated with a specific religion, most people going are Mormon, Catholic, and Protestant, and from around the world. The goal is to equip young people to educate and defend marriage. They have already provided us with a ton of readings to do before the conference, which look rather intriguing. I have some mixed feelings on this topic, and probably some ideas that are not popular among conservatives (I'm just not interested in America as a theocracy or inflicting nonplural ideology, is the gist of it), so I am interested to see what goes down. The conference takes place at Point Loma Naz University, and I will also have a day after the conference ends to explore. Not sure how that will work out, but I am excited to see the west coast!
There is so much to do in the next few days! Oh man I need to prepare.