Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Today on the 99 to Pawtucket via Main, the bus driver tried to take away my student identification card, because obviously I was trying to abuse the system. "No sir, but I AM still a student at JWU." And we all know that the only quarters I carry are for the clothes on my floor at home. So my internship awaits, dragon boats and all. Tomorrow there will be a few things to catch up on, including seeking out the seeker sensitive Dining Services. "So, why wont my card work again?"

This heat is killing me. 80s, 90s, and TODAY, whew.

I take refuge in the Johnson & Wales Downcity Library, central air, going centrally to my fried brain. It's great that Pandora can stalk my Facebook and give me some jams, but when was the last time I said the Pixies were something I liked? Ok now we are slammin' with some Yeahs x3 (dub mix, thanks).

Craigslist and Monster sound like the names of a creep and his pet snake, but even though I spend all my time at their house, dont worry mom. I'm hoping to get some money out of this deal. After all, I will be wild and free in less than a month and something has to pay the bills.

Oh, to be wild and free. The past 8 years, at least five streams of consciousness intertwine and get a little jummbled up. Kind of like the tangled strings of balloons by the handful. They are all still flying but it is a mess to separate and sell. A job, an education, a life, an internship that will educate me in real life to get a job, clubs, and three "what are your hobbies," contribute to this divided mind. Soon I can pop them all but my favorite colors and the birthday party theme will start to make sense.

My spanish midterm is tonight. Im not interested to die trying, but I will put up a weak fight. One more balloon to pop and string to cut. I can already start to sense the light start to focus.


Claire said...

Love this post. I've been there.

Good luck with the midterm.


Alissa:Adventurer said...

Thanks for commenting and reading Claire! I hope I did ok... oh mann