This is gross, but I keep loosing my chapstick and then soon after I get chapped lips and cant do anything about it.
Today at AAA we spent the whole day watching travel marketing videos about pretty much every destination you could think of. Starting right now I am saving up for a trip to Antarctica. No joke about it, if you saw the footage that I saw today you too would be enamored. The Hawaii video was disapointing at best, and hardly showcased all the islands had to offer. The Asia one was hardcore, and the Eurorail movie was borderline ridiculous. Someone, maybe me, should start a travel movie consulting firm that helps kick tourism bureaus in the face when they come out with these crappy ones. haha. It was a fun day, quote tiring, but fun.
I had a big meeting today that practically determined the destiny of a friendship, a friendship that would be super crappy to lose. As we all know, I stink at communication, but I work pretty hard at doing a decent job. Obviously I epic fail, and need forgiveness, as well as to forgive and work on things. So my goal at the moment is to have more clarity in the words and tones I use, as well as communicate exactly what I am trying to say. Im not perfect, and thats one of the things I am clear at presenting, haha, but hey, at least Im working at not sucking at life. As for what went down in the meeting, I prayed super hard before hand that whatever needed to be said was said, and that whatever the outcome was, that I trust in God because He knows what is best for me in the long run, and as that Ginny Owens song goes "...Im sticking to the promise that He's not through with me yet." As of right now, Im delighted with the outcome (we are still friends) and I'm still praying about everything, and I have a lot to think about. So thats that.
After that whole shenanigan, I went over to my friend Taylors house and we ate pizza and played this monopoly game with his cousin. Fun times and Im obsessed with his dog, because I miss my own I think.
APARTMENT: FOUND! btw. Its great, just signing the papers and getting everything situated. It will be a good time.
So If I dont go to bed right now, I will be a zombie tomorrow. So peace, love, and all that junk to yall.
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