Yesterday I participated in this thing called "Save the Bay." Basically cleaning up garbage from the Naragansett Bay coastline. We collected alot of trash, probably over 500 pounds of it, including about 7 huge tires that people just dumped. This whole thing is a part of my practicum community service time. It was super fun. I would do it again.

Saturday Night there was a mini water fire. It was beautiful out and Kevin, Melissa, Silas, Nathan, Kim and I all wandered down and watched. This is a great pic, I think Kim took it.
This is a really stupid sign that a church has on its thing out front. Yeah no joke. Are you kidding me? This church is ridiculous and should be kicked in the shins.
Yeah, if you have time for God. Its ok, just keep on living your crazy busy life, maybe one day when you can retire, THEN you can have some time for God. PFFT! What if you die tomorrow? You cant just say, "But God I was too busy to get to know you."
okey doke. I need to go find a way to get cold. This is not my kind of weather. haa.
Naragansett Bay? Did somebody say Naragansett Bay?
"The sheets stain but the sins wash away
naked bodies in the naraganset bay..."
Glad to hear you were able to help out - and had a good time. Hopefully you didn't find any bodies while you were cleaning up!!!
Also, you can has new writers?
Hello, Miss Boom.
Hello, Miss Moon.
Jenelle, that is you? kafrickenboom! yay
Hello, Mr. Hiqkid
Also, just a quick update:
I achieved the impossible. I got bed sheets back into their original packaging! *applause*
good job kailey!
Woah. I am supremely proud of you for doing environmentalisty stuffs like that. I wish it was not so hot... let's walk into the ocean. The ocean is always cold up there, right?
You mean in RI?
It gets... mildly warm-ish kinda sometimes.
But it's not always COLD as such.
let us walk into the ocean with our clothes on =) haha.
and thanks.. if you come visit you can do a bay cleanup maybe. its super fun.
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