Thursday, April 16, 2009

I refuse to be a slave. Except thats practically what I am.

Im ready to start dictating my own schedule again. Yanno, when I do what I want to do, when I do what I have to do, when I do what I have to do for what I want to do. This whole slavery business is exhausting. I suppose that aside from 8-3:30 I do dictate my own schedule, but, I kind of suppose its then that I live the life that I want to live, doing what I need to do, and what has to be done. Its kind of like I work an 8 hour job, and then get back and practically live the day over again, except on my terms. So a double day? It's intense. Only 4 more weeks of this, and there is a payoff to the madness-- aka Greece. But its still challenging and absurd. Im bad at being tied down to things that are inflexible and time consuming. (Well I mean in this instance...) If I had a car my time would be drastically refined and less wasted. I know there is no way to obtain one right now, but Im praying and hoping that one just kind of appears. heh.

I walked to AAA again this morning, and it was a really nice walk. The day was so beautiful. I also walked to the McKays house with Kim today, which was nice. Thats about 2.5 miles all together today. Sweet. Hey maybe if I did not have a car, but had my bike here, that would be sweet too. The Biking Vikings revisited.

This day was out of control generally. Some nasty things were done, and now probably no one believes me about the dumb paper even though I did everything I could to make it work and to get it to my professor, but I am at the point now where I am accepting a 0 for it. I feel like I am at the point now where explaining any further circumstances are just going to seem like baloney, and I would rather just accept the fact that I did not hand it in on time, and deserve a 0. And thats why I think I should get a 0. I failed to wake up and print it at the library. Im taking responsibility for my actions. Done.

Blah blah. Im pumped about this weekend. Its going to be great. Pawsox game tomorrow night, game night at my house on Saturday, and just some time to think and relax in between it all.
Goodnight folks.

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