Today. What a day. Me and Kim found some winners. Apartments that is, not.. umm. yeah. So apartments. Oh em gee. I hope everything works out with those. Dang they are nice. Right across from Whole Foods, on the 99 bus route which I love, and closer to down town. Laundry is mad cheap. The landlords are great. I dont want to jinx it by saying anything too crazy. We will see.
The airport was interesting. Wait let me just say it rained like a BEAST all day today and my shoes are ruined and I started off the day with really nice pretty curly hair and by the end of the day I look like a dying rat. So thats always good. But yeah, we took a taxi to the airport this afternoon. Which was a glorious experience. We met a new bff taxi driver friend. I love taxi drivers. And some lady flipped out on us. CLEARLY since we are Airport information we are supposed to know EVERYTHING about the world and every single airline, especially because WE ARENT affiliated with any of them btw. Thanks lady. You are obnoxious. haha. Found out some interesting things about TA's today. I didnt feel like doing hard work son today but I tried my best and got good marks overall I think. Blah blah.
Im counting down the days until home, and that would be three for the record. This week doesnt really count in my life because I am an outcast from the real world due to my schedule. So I just want to get home, see the people I love more than anything, and see my little doggy friend.
Im also thinking about buying a car. Its a huge committment at this current moment, but if I dont buy one now, I might kill myself this summer. You dont understand. It needs to be done. I just need a way to get around the world without RIPTA being my only option. And there is no way I am walking to frekkin South County, nor taking RIPTA. Wait.. does it go there? Summer will bring me money and adventuresomeness.
MMk. nighty night. aka laundry time. bye
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