Thursday, October 6, 2011


I've gotten so close to writing a legitimate blog post in the past few weeks that my draft section is over flowing with measly half-thoughts. 

So for lack of anything better to do, I think I will combine all of those half thoughts into this one blog post. God bless you as you wade into my inabilities to produce something worth while. 

September 24, 2011

That word about sums up how I've felt lately, especially today.

September 29, 2011

Hostel. Cafeteria. Frat house. Discipleship community. Restaurant.

Those are all words that help describe the abode where I along with 11 others live, lovingly deemed "The Jewett."

October 5, 2011

"What am I doing with my life?"

"I just need to take a break from people to figure myself out."

"Who am I?"

All questions and statements that are easy for an introspection junkie like me to get caught up in. But that's the problem, more of myself isn't going to solve anything here.

That about sums up the past week or so.

There is a lot more going on, but I'm really horribly unmotivated and distracted to be able to write anything cohesive. Bear with me friends.

Catch ya soon.

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