Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Just a few words... never really means a few

I realized that its been almost a week since anything was posted here. I actually have a few posts in the works, but I reallllly want to include the pictures with them. But its not possible with the dial-up here in the apartment. I thought I would get the chance to use Mike's DSL, but not lately. So expect some good posts sometime in the future.

This week has been busy, and after a month (IVE BEEN HERE A MONTH!!!) I am finally starting to get into a routine. I still have a little more self discipline to work on before it gets to be the routine that I want it to be- but I am working on it.

Visited with many church members this week: Galina, Cathrene, Olga. Its been delightful to see how God is working in their lives, and the work that He still has to do in some that do not have a clear understanding of salvation. We try to encourage them and just point them to Christ. Its hard to say who is more encouraged though.

Never knew that my body had such a strong aversion to dill until I got here. Sadly, basically every dish is prepared with dill in it. Loads of dill. So I just have to be strong -- and drink alot of juice or hot tea with the meal.  I am trying to psychologically pretend that I dont hate it- but thats not really working. To my confusion- I DOOO like dill pickles. Tonight, Anya's mother prepared some blini for us, which are Russian pancakes similar to crepes. They are tasty, and the first real food I've had since yesterday afternoon's extraspecial dill-filled meal. They thankfully are not made with dill. They taste good sweet or savory- with everything from sauteed mushrooms, to nutella and bananas or jam in them. You have to roll them up.  LOVE THEM.

I have been preparing the English Language Club meetings by myself these days. Mike is still here, but the transition is pretty much complete into my hands. I get help when needed of course from Mike, Sally, and Natasha- praise God for them. This weeks scripture topic is Jesus calming the waves and having faith (Matthew 8). We are also talking about gardens, telling time, and singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  Regarding running this thing by myself- false thoughts have run through my head about my ability to do this- but... God definitely uses incapable people, and God is strong in my weakness, and He provides big faith when I have small faith- heck- he provides ALL faith.. Can I get an amen?

Tomorrow I am meeting with a 7th grader who I thought was 18. We are going to go for a walk and practice our English together. I met her tonight and "she really liked me."  I hope to share the gospel with her and encourage her. I have no idea about her life, but Im sure I will learn a lot tomorrow.

Ive been seeing Zavolzhye in a new light recently. This is mostly due to the fact that the snow and ice are melting- and I can actually see where roads are and have even discovered that Ive been walking across a lake to get to church! No more of that though- its all muddy.  I have a cinimatic experience coming your way towards the end of this trip if you can bear with me.

Today the weather was beautiful and as I glanced out the window I noticed so many people outside! What a joy I thought. The world is emerging from their dens, celebrating a spring day!  Well.. much to my dismay, upon returning from church and still seeing the same people outside my window- I realized that in the middle of all those people was a dead body. Now- In Russia they have special ways of remembrance. It is not uncommon to see open casket ceremonies happening in the most questionable places. Like-- outside an apartment building.

Ok ok enough from me. Time to go to bed. (and you know- work on that schedule and self discipline issue.)
If you have skype- feel free to chat: closingatnever
Love ya, miss ya, In Christ,

1 comment:

Amy said...

Amen! Praying for your walk...and how funny that you've been walking over a lake! :)