Thursday, August 25, 2011


Many a transition has occurred in the past two weeks/months. That might help explain why I have been off the grid for a bit.

I've gone from messy room to clean room:

From hanging out with friends in Buffalo to hanging out with friends in Providence:

Bye's Popcorn in Olcott w/ Kt, Linds, and Jan
The Attic performing in Buffalo. Bryan, Casey, and co.
Grace Harbor afternoon at the Beach. Jake, Niki, and Adam.

From working in the University Info Center to training in the Auto Roadside Assistance call center.

From being a full time student/intern/part time/club president to having one job.

From having 4 roommates, to 5 roommates, to 2 roommates, to 3 roommates. 

From jeans and a T-shirt to business casual.

From flip flops to high heels.

From planning CSF to sending the new CSF leaders a text of encouragement as they are at their planning retreat as I ride the bus to work.

From a one hour daily round trip commute to a two hour daily round trip commute.

From staying up all hours of the night to kicking people out by eleven.

From having all the time in my life to check facebook, read blogs, text friends, play games, watch movies to actually having to do work at work.

From a dumb phone to a smart phone.

From getting paid biweekly to getting paid every week (what a joy). 
...And until my first paycheck: From small amounts of cash flowing to not even enough nickels in my piggy bank to buy a cup of coffee.

From being a student, along with all of my best friends, to being at totally different places in life as my best friends.

From growing my garden to slowly watching it die as I get home from training exhausted and want to fall into bed, like the cucumber flowers are falling into their bed.

From Providence to Maine to Providence to San Diego to Providence to Buffalo to Providence.

All while keeping my identity in check, and thanking God that HE does not change. 

As you can see, it has been a busy summer, especially the past two weeks as I have traveled home and then came back and started training at my new job. The training has been going great, but I am fighting the urge to grow up and get to bed early. That makes me pretty sleepy this week. 

My desire to write has not died down, in fact I have about 5-10 blog posts in the works that I am DYING to write, and they include multiple book reviews, travel editorials, funny thoughts, theological pondering, and life contemplations.

I hope you understand and will be checking back often in the next few weeks!

What transitions have you been going through lately? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha transitions I've been going thru lately? I'd have to write my one blog to answer that question! Lol

Btw, I just love that picture. Haha its my new fav!