Thursday, December 30, 2010

No More Special Coffee

This morning, rather, this afternoon, after I dropped my sister off at work I headed to one of my new favorite places to hang out, the Starbucks in Elmwood Village in Buffalo. Its a young neighborhood with hip and college-y hangouts. I like it because it has free wifi and a good atmosphere to get homework done or reading accomplished. They also have my favorite drink, the double shot soy chai latte, to 130 degrees (Thats simply because I don't like really hot drinks unless its below the freezing point outside).
  Well this time I ordered the drink, and asked the girl "Can I have that to 130 degrees, please?!" She nods and goes ahead making it. All of the sudden it exploded. Oh crap son. Apparently she thought I asked her to make it "230" degrees, which is above the boiling point. It exploded all over her, so she ran in the back to tend to her wounds. I felt so bad and apologized. It was no good.

Thats my story for the day.

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