Saturday, June 6, 2009

I Have a Secret to Share...

So there is something that Ive really wanted to get off my chest for a while now. Dont be offended or creeped out, and please dont think I'm disgusting.




I actively mix ketchup and maple syrup.

And its really good. You can use it on sweet potato fries, sausage egg & cheese sandwhiches, eggs, plain bread, dang whatever you want. I like the combination o salty and sweet, kind of like the idea of mixing a frosty and fries. You should try it. Open your taste buds to new and exciting things people.



HiQKid (Alex) said...

Interesting. Potentially Okay.

You'll have to excuse me if I don't try it, yet. Maybe someday.

GazingattheMoon said...

I thought to myself, 'I will not think alissa is disgusting no matter what she says next,' and then I threw up in my mouth a little bit

kafrickenboom said...

You are not disgusting Alissa. However, maple syrup mixed together with ketchup IS. I love you, but not your taste in condiments. ;)